By Holly Giles | Simple Living
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Starting vegetable seeds indoors is a great way to extend your gardening budget and growing season. However, starting vegetables from seed can be tricky for many novice gardeners. Fortunately, the seven simple steps outlined below simplify this process and make it much more fun and easy.
Start by jotting down anything you want to grow this season. This is the time to do a little daydreaming, so don’t worry about practicality or limitations at this point. Once you have your “dream garden” list, narrow your list based on how much space, time, and budget you can devote to your organic vegetable garden.
Gardening Tip: Part of the joy of gardening is learning and trying new things. If possible, try to add at least one new variety or type of plant each growing season.
Once you have a list of what you want to grow, it’s time to start collecting everything you need to get started. In addition to seeds, you’ll also need seed trays or other planting containers, starter mix, plant labels, tweezers, and a spray bottle with a mist setting to water your newly planted seeds. Gather everything in one place before you get started. Then, you won’t make last-minute trips to the store after you begin.
see also – investing in foodGardening Tip: Prepare your plant labels now. Baby plants tend to look alike, and you don’t want to have trays of unnamed seedlings all over the place. Labeling your plants as you go will save you a lot of grief later.
If you reuse containers for your seedlings from one year to the next, ensure you disinfect them at the start of each season. A solution of one part 3% hydrogen peroxide combined with nine parts water will do the trick.
Gardening Tip: Food-grade hydrogen peroxide comes in a 35% solution, while the inexpensive type used in most household applications is 3%. If using food grade, dilute it to 3% first (roughly 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 11 parts water), then combine with water as noted above.
Excess water in your potting containers can cause tender young roots to rot, so be sure to add drainage holes to your containers before planting, if necessary.
Seed packets usually provide detailed planting instructions for each type of seed. For example, some seeds need to be soaked in water overnight before planting, while others need to be barely covered with a growing medium to germinate. The packaging should also indicate how long you’ll need to start each type of plant and how much water and light the seedlings need. If your seeds came from another gardener, a simple online search could give you the necessary instructions.
Gardening Tip: Choose the right planting dates for your area. Six weeks before the last frost in your area is a good rule of thumb for most garden plants. This is enough time to ensure your plants reach an optimal size before they are transplanted outside.
If you aren’t sure what the best time is in your area, you can check here:
Tiny seedlings dry out quickly, so make sure you water them frequently. However, overwatering can disturb the soil and/or lead to root rot. Use a mist sprayer to gently water your tender young plants without drowning them for the best results.
Young plants grown indoors need time to adjust to being outside. A week or so before it’s time to transplant your seedlings into your garden, gradually introduce them to their new environment. Start with a few hours in a protected area. Then, gradually increase the time they are outside each day until they become strong enough to survive a permanent move outdoors.
Although it takes some know-how to start organic vegetable seeds indoors, these seven simple steps will make your job much easier.