By Holly Giles | Motherhood
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The bustle of the holidays is over. Now you are gearing up for the race to the finish of your school year. The activities, co-ops, sports, and the looming chapters of that math book will wear you down by the end of March and ready to throw in the towel. Fitting it all in may seem impossible, but being the supermoms that you are, you will make it happen. There is no fresh fire in your heart for homeschooling.
You will carpool to the field trips, organize the kid’s book club meeting, bake for the co-op fundraiser, spend 4 days a week in your car and fill in the gaps of your calendar with anything educational. You do this so each of your children will have learned all the subjects you wrote in your planner six months ago.
Then, around May or June, you will either set the textbooks on fire or pack them neatly away for the summer. This is when you realize there is an empty feeling in your soul. It may be tucked away, but you feel it just enough to make you wonder where the year went and question your supermoms’ role in it all.
I know this scenario all too well. It was me when my boys were in the first and third grades. I poured myself into the “education” of my children at the expense of myself and our family life. I signed up for every class, went on every field trip, and volunteered to teach at a co-op.
By Saturday I was completely spent and wanted my husband to take over any activity that was planned for the day. I usually did not want to join in because I felt physically unable to do it. Sunday night I would plan out the next week and hope I found the time to enjoy some of it with my boys.
At the time, I must pack in every opportunity possible so my kids would not miss out on the benefits of being home-schooled. The underlying reason was I felt I was not enough for my children. I believed I should just be the facilitator of their learning opportunities because I did not have what it takes to do it all.
The truth was, I was missing out on living life with them.
I began to feel empty and inadequate for this calling to home-school. I prayed for help and guidance because the alternative was to give up. We took a break from our lessons and stayed home for about a month. My sons and I began to fall into a routine not centered around a desk. We were living life together. This is when I knew the holy spirit was telling me that I was enough when I asked for God’s grace. God has equipped me with what I needed to educate my children and he was there if I would lean into Him.
All this time I was not allowing myself to believe that what I had to offer was what they needed to thrive.
You are enough my friend. This role as wife, mother, and home educator is a high calling but you were chosen for this position. You are serving your children right where you are for the glory of God. In First Peter, chapter four, verse 10 it says: “As each one of us has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies.”
This simple passage speaks volumes. God has given each one of us unique gifts of our own. He has supplied us with exactly what we need to minister to our children. We all bring different ideas, thoughts, and perspectives to the table. We have been shaped by our own childhood and life experiences that in part give us direction to parent and educate our children.
We supermoms each have gifts and talents meant to serve our families and others. With God’s grace, nurturing this idea that you are enough will build your confidence, relieve your stress, and put you on the path God designed for you to live. It is a blessing to know and cultivate the talent within you.
Type A supermoms with a schedule for everything and who thrive on it are gifted in this area. Their children are born to be raised in that structure. Those of us who lack in this area are blessed through their gifts. I may fall into the category of short-term planning and fly by the seat of my pants at times. My children actually thrive under these conditions. If you tend to fall in with me too, we have the gift of helping others enjoy themselves more. We all can be different in our lifestyle, yet raise marvelous children who are ready for the world.
God fills in the gaps and provides exactly what each child needs. As mothers, we need to be faithful in that knowledge.
Does this message resonate with you? Are ready to move out of the shadows and step into the light God has placed within you?
Let’s look at a few steps you can take to begin fulfilling your calling.
During the season of two children under four and one of them with health issues, I put myself on the back burner. We do our children a disservice by neglecting ourselves in mind, body, and spirit. Supermoms need refreshment to have the presence of mind to train, nurture and love our children.
Mama, rekindle God’s grace right now, in this season of your life. Your gifts for His glory are expressed through your family. In conclusion, be faithful in nurturing your gifts, so your children will thrive and be blessed by them. Keep your eyes on Him and not the world.