Entrepreneur Focus for Homeschooling Middle School

By Holly Giles | homeschooling

homeschooling middle school

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Choosing an entrepreneur focus on homeschooling middle school can be a good choice for some children. Especially if they are focused on one area or have started a business of their own. Learning the tools of a trade early can set the path for financial awareness and build skills that regular education cannot.

Grayson, our oldest son started a lawn mowing business at age eleven. He uses his dad’s commercial equipment and he has his dad drive him to many of his customers. He is now thirteen and has built his business up to twelve to fifteen accounts, depending on the season. His lawn service requires he work a full day once a week and an hour or two in between. Grayson has learned so many life skills and educational skills in these two years that we are allowing this business to be the main focus of homeschooling his middle school years.

Life Skills

Grayson has had to learn several skills to run a business that involves speaking with people of all ages. He has learned along the way and improved over time.

  • Conversation skills with new people.
  • A good handshake tells a story.
  • Smiling, greeting people and looking them in the eye.
  • Communicating the needs of customers and following through.


Financial Management

    • Grayson opened a savings account.
    • I taught him to sign his checks and make deposits in person to get to know the tellers.
    • Grayson pays his dad Curtis, for gas, oil, and use. He also pays for diesel as his dad drives him to many of his accounts.
    • If equipment needs repairs that he cannot fix, he must pay for the repairs himself.
    • Grayson keeps a ledger of income and expenses and creates invoices online.
    • Customers are billed monthly and send payments directly to him.

Mechanical Life Skills

Grayson began working on broken weed eaters and blowers. He eventually figured out the mechanics and began repairing them for other people. He then began researching the motor of the commercial mower that he uses for his lawns.  After several costly repairs, he has learned to sharpen the blades himself and repair most motor issues.

lawn mower

Educational Skill Building

  • Grayson’s success has given him a vision for his financial future.
  • He sees potential in himself to earn real money for college, investment or a business.
  • He is working on a business plan to expand his lawn service and hire helpers.
  • Confidence in his ability to learn new trades and try new things.

middle school

As parents, the growth we have seen in Grayson is more than we could have given him with textbooks. Allowing him time to let his talents grow and flourish has developed life skills he needs for his future. Grayson is making financial decisions and future business choices at an early age from the experience he has acquired. This can only benefit his future choices.

Action Plan for Your Children

Middle school years are the perfect time to allow children to dive into an interest. It may be a skill to create a business or a talent that needs focused time to develop. This is the time to let them soar before the rigors of high school courses. Taking action now can steer your children in directions you did not imagine, but maybe just what they needed.

  • Allow more free time to explore interests.
  • Job shadowing and apprenticeships can expand career ideas.
  • Think of their hobby or business as several courses rolled into one.
  • Look for workshops, seminars or conferences on topics of interest.
  • Keep a log of their time and the skills learned.


Middle school is generally a time for review and preparation for high school. Many parents panic and force more schooling hours and book work on their children for fear they will be behind in high school courses. This is no time to panic. Academics are important and consistency is best. However, now is the time to let them test the waters on their interests that have nothing to do with curriculum.

Allowing this time to succeed or fail is important during these years. They have the safety of your home for conversations, setbacks or failures. Support and encouragement from parents, even if the interest seems frivolous, can be the push your child needs to succeed.

A cookie cutter road to the future may not be for every child. Home education is unique in allowing children to follow a dream, a talent or curiosity. Many adults do not realize their own potential or talents until later in life. Most were not given the opportunity to explore options in their younger years. Now is the time to release our children to seek God’s design for them. We must nurture and guide them along their own path to success, whatever that may be.



About the Author

Holly Giles is a wife, mother, and storyteller. As an author and Florida Master Naturalist, she writes about heritage homemaking skills, motherhood, and why Florida offers the best hidden natural gems to explore as a family.

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