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Our homeschool co-op gathered today at our local VFW post to serve our troops by filling boxes.
A veteran spoke to the children before we began and the profound sentence he said resonated with us all.
“They need to know we care”. No matter your stance on politics or war, we have American citizens who serve by defending our freedom daily. It is easy not to think about it if it does not affect your family directly, but it does.
We are the land of the free and home of the brave.
The brave are all over the world serve to protect our future, our children.
Getting a box from the United States filled with needed toiletries, food items
and a simple card from a child thanking them for their service can uplift
a soldier’s spirits and help them carry on.
For some of our children in co-op today it was their first experience with
understanding about the military and serving our country. I think that everyone
left with a sense of duty that as they serve us, we should serve them.
There are many ways we can show our appreciation and gratitude to our service
men and women, active and retired. They just need to know that we care. As
we celebrated Veteran’s Day this week, maybe we can keep the sentiment going.
Thank you for your service!