By Holly Giles | homeschooling
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How a story will impact them.
What mark seeing a homeless person in need will leave on their heart?
I believe as we get older, we become jaded to the person holding a sign on the corner.
Lately, there is one on every corner we seem to pass.
We are in a hurry,
at the grocery, target and Ace Hardware.
Do we miss the opportunity to help someone, something simple like
unloading a cart or reaching a top shelf?
I believe our children may notice every moment.
Watching. Learning.
Children are thinking, “what are the adults around us doing?
What should we be doing?”
I am thankful that I did not find out about the seeds sooner.
I am sure I would have put a stop to it.
“Seeds everywhere, in my washer, on the floor, stop making a mess!”
Maybe we all should become a modern day Johnny Appleseed.
Let us, you and me, take a look around and notice where we
can bring joy, in little ways.
It may not be in the form of a green bean, but a smile sure can go a long way.
How were you Johnny Appleseed today?
Share with us your insights into the bean seed boy!
“I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love” Hosea 11:4