Nature Study Made Easy: Wildflowers

By Holly Giles | Florida


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Adding Wildflowers to your nature study is as easy as looking in your neighborhood.  Yes, it can be easy!
For some reason, studying wildflowers seems daunting. Where do you find them and how in the world do you figure out what they are? Start in your yard or your neighbors. Most of our area does not use herbicides on their lawns, so at times, these beautiful purple flowers, white daisy type flowers and yes, dandelions begin to bloom.
flower press
I had not noticed how pretty they were until one day I walked down to the lake in the backyard and the whole side yard was full of these skinny stalks with tiny, purple bell-shaped wildflowers.
 It was breathtaking. 
Well, breathtaking for that moment, then I realized maybe it was time to mow the lawn before the neighbors started talking.
Anyway, this is how easy your wildflower study can be. Go grab some of those tiny beauties you see whether it is in your yard, your neighbors or the park.
You can find three species in no time! Then, use a wildflower guide for your region that you picked up from the library or an app on your phone and you are now doing nature study, the easy way. 

Observe. dissect. draw.

nature study

 Use a microscope. Press the flowers.

The list can go on and on with how far you can take this wildflower study. There is no advance planning necessary. This is a great diversion to a rough start to your day. It will refresh everyone. Including you.
If we teach our children that “weeds” aren’t necessarily weeds and can have benefit to the earth, they will learn to be better stewards of nature. They will also occasionally bring you a bouquet of precious weeds accompanied by a smile that warms your heart!


Still Can’t Find Any?

Head to your local home improvement store or nursery. Guess what? They have wildflowers in pots you can grow at home. Indian blanket, cosmos and more will delight you with their blossoms. You can sit with your coffee and have wildflower nature study on your back porch.

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About the Author

Holly Giles is a wife, mother, and storyteller. As an author and Florida Master Naturalist, she writes about heritage homemaking skills, motherhood, and why Florida offers the best hidden natural gems to explore as a family.